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Technical Glossary

Core Concepts


The central server application in Ignition that manages projects, modules, and connections.

Usage Example

The Gateway hosts Perspective sessions and serves components to clients.

public class ExampleGatewayHook extends AbstractGatewayModuleHook {
public void startup() {
// Gateway initialization code


The application used to create and configure Ignition projects, including Perspective views.

Usage Example

The Designer provides a component palette and property editor for configuring components.

public class ExampleDesignerHook extends AbstractDesignerModuleHook {
public void startup() {
// Designer initialization code


A reusable UI element in Perspective, built with React and TypeScript.

Usage Example
export class MyComponent extends Component<MyComponentProps> {
render() {
return <div>{this.props.text}</div>;

Module Structure


The packaged module format used by Ignition for distribution.


Defines where code runs: Gateway (G), Designer (D), or Client (C).

Usage Example
":gateway" to "G",
":designer" to "D",
":common" to "GD"


A Java class that initializes and manages module functionality within a specific scope.

Development Tools


Build automation tool used for compiling code and packaging modules.

Usage Example
./gradlew build deployModl


Module bundler for JavaScript applications, used to compile frontend assets.

Usage Example
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index.ts",
output: {
filename: "bundle.js",


A typed superset of JavaScript used for component development.

Usage Example
interface MyProps {
text: string;
onClick?: () => void;

Component Architecture

Component Meta

Metadata class that describes a component's configuration and behavior.

export class MyComponentMeta implements ComponentMeta {
getComponentType(): string {
return "example.mycomponent";


Properties that configure a component's behavior and appearance.

interface ButtonProps {
text: string;
onClick?: () => void;
style?: React.CSSProperties;

Component Descriptor

Java class that defines a component's capabilities and configuration.

public static final ComponentDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = ComponentDescriptorImpl

Resource Management

Browser Resource

A web resource (JS/CSS) served to the client's browser.

new BrowserResource(

Resource Mounting

Process of making resources available to the web browser from the Gateway.

Development Environment


Platform used for creating consistent development environments.

Usage Example
version: "3.8"
image: inductiveautomation/ignition:8.1.34

Hot Reload

Development feature that updates components without full rebuilds.

Usage Example
npm run watch

Version Control

Version Catalog

Gradle feature for centralizing dependency versions.

ignition = "8.1.34"

ignition-common = { module = "com.inductiveautomation.ignitionsdk:ignition-common", version.ref = "ignition" }

Module Version

The semantic version number of your module.

allprojects {
version = "1.0.0"

Testing & Debugging

External Debugger

Tool for debugging Perspective components in Designer.


Access via Tools > Launch Perspective... > External Debugger

Console Logging

Method for debugging components during development.

console.log("Component mounted:", this.props);
console.error("Error in component:", error);


Module Signing

Process of digitally signing modules for verification.

keytool -genkeypair -alias mymodule -keystore keystore.jks


Digital certificate used for signing modules.


Keep certificates and private keys secure and never commit them to version control.

Additional Resources

Common Abbreviations

  • SDK: Software Development Kit
  • API: Application Programming Interface
  • UI: User Interface
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
  • JDK: Java Development Kit
  • NPM: Node Package Manager

Additional Terms

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